USC Logo Nonlinear Material Design Using Principal Stretches ACM SIGGRAPH 2015

Sumo dance material editing


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The Finite Element Method is widely used for solid deformable object simulation in film, computer games, virtual reality and medicine. Previous applications of nonlinear solid elasticity employed materials from a few standard families such as linear corotational, nonlinear St.Venant-Kirchhoff, Neo-Hookean, Ogden or Mooney-Rivlin materials. However, the spaces of all nonlinear isotropic and anisotropic materials are infinite-dimensional and much broader than these standard materials. In this paper, we demonstrate how to intuitively explore the space of isotropic and anisotropic nonlinear materials, for design of animations in computer graphics and related fields. In order to do so, we first formulate the internal elastic forces and tangent stiffness matrices in the space of the principal stretches of the material. We then demonstrate how to design new isotropic materials by editing a single stress-strain curve, using a spline interface. Similarly, anisotropic (orthotropic) materials can be designed by editing three curves, one for each material direction. We demonstrate that modifying these curves using our proposed interface has an intuitive, visual, effect on the simulation. Our materials accelerate simulation design and enable visual effects that are difficult or impossible to achieve with standard nonlinear materials.

Comments, questions to Jernej Barbič.

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